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How To Make Powerpoint Presentation With Video

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Most people know that you can create PowerPoint presentations with pictures, music, images, web content, and text, but one little known trick is the ability to save PowerPoint presentations as videos. PowerPoint presentations have been a long time favorite for use in business and academic presentations all over the world. Remember the point of your presentation is to get a point or message across and although you are the presenter, it is completely fine to use video in your PowerPoint. A relevant video can give you some breathing time to prepare the next slides while equally informing the audience on a particular point. It can record your screen as you run your presentation. Save to MP4, WebM, MKV, AVI, WMV. It can also import PowerPoint files, so if you want you can save from Impress to that format and then import that into ActivePresenter. Make changes, enhancements - and then export to video. The free version is really quite amazing in its capabilities. Save time and easily create videos of your presentations with your webcam and audio narration. Use Powerpoint notes as a video script. Control and adjust webcam picture-in-picture (PIP). Relocate and hide/show webcam at any point in your presentation. Use the video editor to perfect your presentation, adding post-production effects like music. Create Your PowerPoint Video Finally, click on Create Video. PowerPoint will open up a Save As window, and you'll need to set a folder and filename for your finished video. Set a folder and filename to save your finished video, as well as a video format.

Hello guys! So for today's blog, I will teach you how to Create a great videos using a PowerPoint Presentation. Mostly we create a video in any kind of Apps only used in cellphone and computer and for us to post them on YouTube, and you can post it also on a website or on social media. But this time, we will try the PowerPoint for us to edit and create a video.

Here are the basic steps to create a video using PowerPoint slides:

1. Create a Animation slides (including transitions)

You will start with animated slides. There are the basic concept if you want to keep things moving on your video. You have to think differently because a video is very different medium from a slide presentation.

Use some animation and transitions that can't be use in a regular business presentation. If you want, you can apply entrance and exit animations so that the objects come in and go out for your video that you are doing might never be boring.

2. Add Audio (narration and / or music)

You have several choices when adding audio. Videos have some type of audio-narration, music, or both.

Insert audio files on each slide

Base on Ellen Finkelstein, she often use this method. She record the sound using Audacity, which makes editing easy. (You'll also need the LAME MP3 encoder to export MP3 files.)

Here are the steps.

Make A Video Presentation With Powerpoint

1.) Go to the insert tab, Audio on your PC (choose the exact labels depending on what you want on your version of PowerPoint.)

2.) Drag off and slide the sound icon that you choose.

3.) Click the Animations tab and the Animation Pane.

4. Black ops 4 mac. ) Drag your sound file to the top and click your sound file's down arrow on the right edge of the Animation Pane. The sound plays when you choose the Start with Previous so that it immediately plays when you display the slide.

How To Make Powerpoint Presentation With Video

If you use this method, you need to be set to start with Previous all other Animations; if you want them delayed, then add a delay in the Delay box on the ribbon. It will allows the sound to start at the beginning and it will continue to play while the animation happens.

Use the Narration feature

Your narration can be add in PowerPoint. You can't do much in the way of editing unlike other editing Apps, although you can re-record.

Here are the steps:

1.) You display the first slide.

2.) Choose and record Slide Show, Start Recording from the beginning.

3.) In the Record Slide Show dialog box, leave both check boxes checked and click Start Recording. You will go into Slide Show view.

4.) Narrate the Presentation, it will necessary click to go from slide to slide. Then the recording will end if you click again on the last slide.

PowerPoint automatically saves the timing for each slide and it is the nicest part of this feature.

3. Set slide timings

If you want to add individual audio files and the video moves automatically from slide to slide, you need to set the slide timings. You can do this on the Transitions tab, in the Training section and under Advance slide. Check and add the number of seconds in the After Checkbox. It is more easy to click the up arrow to increase the seconds.

You can know how many seconds to add on the Animations tab, in the Animation Pane, you can see at the endpoint when the last animation ends by hovering over. You can also drag the Animation Pane on it's left edge if you want to widen it more. Also, at the bottom, you can click the right arrow to scroll through the timeline, click the down arrow next to any animation and choose Show Advanced Timeline if you don't see it.

4. Export to video format

How to download plugins for fl studio. When you are done on you Animation and Audio, click the File tab and choose Export. (In earlier versions, use Save & Send or Publish.) Choose Create a Video. You have some choices for quality and what to include, but the defaults are usually good.

Click Create Video and wait until it's done. Check it over. (You might find your animation seems to slow and maybe so fast. It's pretty easy to make adjustments and export again.

If you want for more information, just visit this link below for you to be able to know more and better about How to Create a Video using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint is boring.

That's what we've all heard, right?

  • Too much text
  • Too many bullet points
  • Too much of the presenter just reading off of the slides.

But is it a PowerPoint problem or a design problem?

There are a lot of ways to build slides for PowerPoint that convey information effectively and don't fall into the stereotypical design problems. Understanding how to make better slides is vital for holding your audience's attention and conveying your message. It's also important if you're going to turn your PowerPoint presentations into videos.

Here's how you can design better slides, find the most visually appealing imagery, and turn your slides into better videos.

The design of slides is the beating heart of any PowerPoint presentation. If you're used to designing slides for use in front of a live group, it's important to be aware of the differences between that and constructing PowerPoint for the purpose of video.

[You can watch the video on this topic at the top of this post, to listen to the podcast episode, hit play below, or read on for more…]

Differences between live presentation and PowerPoint video

No interaction

With a live presentation, you're responding to things that happen then and there in the room. You're reacting to the audience in one way or another, answering their questions and responding to their cues. With a video, you don't have any of that back and forth. So when you're designing your PowerPoint you need to keep in mind that you're not going to have that feedback and interaction.

Live presentations are flexible

Generally presentations tend to be a lot more off the cuff. Obviously you will have planned what to say, but the delivery of a presentation is a lot more fluid. Sometimes you might repeat yourself, sometimes you might forget certain things you wanted to say, or you might bring topics up outside of the right order.

With a PowerPoint video you can control exactly what is being said throughout the project. The video will never run a little short, or run over time. You can hone the timing and delivery of the presentation and be much more precise in your words.

Live presentations are limited

Print t shirt. What you're able to display is limited with a live presentation. You might want to include a video clip, a sound effect, or a special effect, but that's not always easy with a presentation, and sometimes it's downright impossible.

With a PowerPoint video you have a lot more options and you can really focus in on the special elements that you want to highlight. Of course you can have an animated gif playing behind you during a live presentation, but with a video you can really hone in and emphasize that special feature.

What to avoid when creating a PowerPoint video

First and foremost, it's important to avoid clichés. We all know the negative tropes about PowerPoint presentations that don't work, the ones that bore their audience or overwhelm them. If you can recognize those tropes and avoid them at the design level, then your video will be a success.

Blocks Of Text

This is a good way to overwhelm your audience with a large info-dump, as well as distracting them from anything being said on your video's audio. People can either read or listen, but it's hard to do both at the same time.

Bullet Points

This suggests you're cramming lots of information and points all together into one slide, rather than spacing them all out in a digestible way.

Reading EXACTLY What's On The Slides

The audio of your video should be presenting the information to the audience, not simply repeating what can be read on the screen.

How to Begin

What is the message you want to share and why does your audience care about this? Are you looking to teach them something? Do you want to change their behaviour? And what is it that you're going to say or show to help them do that?

A lot of times the reason someone chooses to do a PowerPoint video is because there isn't a solid visual. There isn't something they can point an audience to and say 'that's what I want you to understand.' The information they're trying to convey might be a lot more conceptual. Or maybe what needs to be presented is a lot of data which can't simply be pointed at.

Approach the video step by step

What is the first thing your audience needs to understand? And once they understand that first thing, what can they do next? That's the formula that you start building on. Use that plan to put together your script of what you want to be saying at every stage of the video.

Have realistic expectations about the duration of your video

If you're putting together a PowerPoint presentation and your expectation is that an hour is a good length, you might need to rethink things.

Time is precious, and most people struggle to focus on a subject for a solid block of time like an hour. In general you want to look at breaking that hour down into more manageable chunks. You focus should be, how to get your audience to the objective as fast as possible, whilst giving them all the relevant information

When you've got your plan and your script, then you can start putting together your slides.

The basics of a good presentation

We're going to explore some examples of slides that I created. We'll take them apart and show you what would and what wouldn't work for a PowerPoint video.

Notice how I created a grid on top of my slides?

This gives you a sense of scale and space when arranging elements, and will help you to keep your slide from becoming too cluttered and unfocused.

I kept these slides simple with a single image and very minimal text. You want to try and strike a balance between the audio and the visual of your PowerPoint video. The audio is what you're going to convey the story or the message through, and the visuals are there to support that.

In these slides, you can see how I kept the images very basic, just enough to help move the story of the video along. So unless it's a practical how-to video, you don't need to get into heavy visual work. How to combine mods in skyrim.

What images should you choose?

Attractive images are the heart and soul of a PowerPoint presentation

We've all seen great presentations let down by a lack of great images.

We've all sat through presentations like this, where all the clichés come out. The blank background, nothing but text, endless bullet points. If we're lucky they may include some Clip Art along the way. That's fine for someone who is just reading the information, but that kind of presentation is absolutely not designed for a video workflow.

It's important to consider what images are going to convey the message you want to share. You should use attractive images to draw the audience into the video and the story you're telling, but also images that don't distract the audience from what you want them to pay attention to — the audio.

You can even use multiple images in a single slide to create a progressive slide. Each of these smaller images is simple, but tells a different part of the story and helps keep the video in motion.

Think about the story your video is telling, but keep the images simple and don't use blocks of text, otherwise you audience will miss what's being said.

How many slides does my video need?

If you rely on one static slide staying on the screen for 30 seconds or a minute, that's a problem. If your video is static, if it's not progressing, then you're going to lose your audience. Their brain is constantly running, they're getting notifications on their laptop, on their phone, and if you're not offering any new visuals to keep their attention then you'll lose them.

In my video that these screenshots are taken from, I used 39 slides for a 45 minutes presentation. Using a lot of slides will keep the video in motion, keep the story moving, and keep the audience's attention. There's no point in having people sit and stare at a single slide for a very long time.

When making a PowerPoint video you should think of the slides as almost frames in a movie. You want to keep things moving so your audience stays engaged.

Where to find attractive images for your slides

How To Make Powerpoint Presentation With Video

If you use this method, you need to be set to start with Previous all other Animations; if you want them delayed, then add a delay in the Delay box on the ribbon. It will allows the sound to start at the beginning and it will continue to play while the animation happens.

Use the Narration feature

Your narration can be add in PowerPoint. You can't do much in the way of editing unlike other editing Apps, although you can re-record.

Here are the steps:

1.) You display the first slide.

2.) Choose and record Slide Show, Start Recording from the beginning.

3.) In the Record Slide Show dialog box, leave both check boxes checked and click Start Recording. You will go into Slide Show view.

4.) Narrate the Presentation, it will necessary click to go from slide to slide. Then the recording will end if you click again on the last slide.

PowerPoint automatically saves the timing for each slide and it is the nicest part of this feature.

3. Set slide timings

If you want to add individual audio files and the video moves automatically from slide to slide, you need to set the slide timings. You can do this on the Transitions tab, in the Training section and under Advance slide. Check and add the number of seconds in the After Checkbox. It is more easy to click the up arrow to increase the seconds.

You can know how many seconds to add on the Animations tab, in the Animation Pane, you can see at the endpoint when the last animation ends by hovering over. You can also drag the Animation Pane on it's left edge if you want to widen it more. Also, at the bottom, you can click the right arrow to scroll through the timeline, click the down arrow next to any animation and choose Show Advanced Timeline if you don't see it.

4. Export to video format

How to download plugins for fl studio. When you are done on you Animation and Audio, click the File tab and choose Export. (In earlier versions, use Save & Send or Publish.) Choose Create a Video. You have some choices for quality and what to include, but the defaults are usually good.

Click Create Video and wait until it's done. Check it over. (You might find your animation seems to slow and maybe so fast. It's pretty easy to make adjustments and export again.

If you want for more information, just visit this link below for you to be able to know more and better about How to Create a Video using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint is boring.

That's what we've all heard, right?

  • Too much text
  • Too many bullet points
  • Too much of the presenter just reading off of the slides.

But is it a PowerPoint problem or a design problem?

There are a lot of ways to build slides for PowerPoint that convey information effectively and don't fall into the stereotypical design problems. Understanding how to make better slides is vital for holding your audience's attention and conveying your message. It's also important if you're going to turn your PowerPoint presentations into videos.

Here's how you can design better slides, find the most visually appealing imagery, and turn your slides into better videos.

The design of slides is the beating heart of any PowerPoint presentation. If you're used to designing slides for use in front of a live group, it's important to be aware of the differences between that and constructing PowerPoint for the purpose of video.

[You can watch the video on this topic at the top of this post, to listen to the podcast episode, hit play below, or read on for more…]

Differences between live presentation and PowerPoint video

No interaction

With a live presentation, you're responding to things that happen then and there in the room. You're reacting to the audience in one way or another, answering their questions and responding to their cues. With a video, you don't have any of that back and forth. So when you're designing your PowerPoint you need to keep in mind that you're not going to have that feedback and interaction.

Live presentations are flexible

Generally presentations tend to be a lot more off the cuff. Obviously you will have planned what to say, but the delivery of a presentation is a lot more fluid. Sometimes you might repeat yourself, sometimes you might forget certain things you wanted to say, or you might bring topics up outside of the right order.

With a PowerPoint video you can control exactly what is being said throughout the project. The video will never run a little short, or run over time. You can hone the timing and delivery of the presentation and be much more precise in your words.

Live presentations are limited

Print t shirt. What you're able to display is limited with a live presentation. You might want to include a video clip, a sound effect, or a special effect, but that's not always easy with a presentation, and sometimes it's downright impossible.

With a PowerPoint video you have a lot more options and you can really focus in on the special elements that you want to highlight. Of course you can have an animated gif playing behind you during a live presentation, but with a video you can really hone in and emphasize that special feature.

What to avoid when creating a PowerPoint video

First and foremost, it's important to avoid clichés. We all know the negative tropes about PowerPoint presentations that don't work, the ones that bore their audience or overwhelm them. If you can recognize those tropes and avoid them at the design level, then your video will be a success.

Blocks Of Text

This is a good way to overwhelm your audience with a large info-dump, as well as distracting them from anything being said on your video's audio. People can either read or listen, but it's hard to do both at the same time.

Bullet Points

This suggests you're cramming lots of information and points all together into one slide, rather than spacing them all out in a digestible way.

Reading EXACTLY What's On The Slides

The audio of your video should be presenting the information to the audience, not simply repeating what can be read on the screen.

How to Begin

What is the message you want to share and why does your audience care about this? Are you looking to teach them something? Do you want to change their behaviour? And what is it that you're going to say or show to help them do that?

A lot of times the reason someone chooses to do a PowerPoint video is because there isn't a solid visual. There isn't something they can point an audience to and say 'that's what I want you to understand.' The information they're trying to convey might be a lot more conceptual. Or maybe what needs to be presented is a lot of data which can't simply be pointed at.

Approach the video step by step

What is the first thing your audience needs to understand? And once they understand that first thing, what can they do next? That's the formula that you start building on. Use that plan to put together your script of what you want to be saying at every stage of the video.

Have realistic expectations about the duration of your video

If you're putting together a PowerPoint presentation and your expectation is that an hour is a good length, you might need to rethink things.

Time is precious, and most people struggle to focus on a subject for a solid block of time like an hour. In general you want to look at breaking that hour down into more manageable chunks. You focus should be, how to get your audience to the objective as fast as possible, whilst giving them all the relevant information

When you've got your plan and your script, then you can start putting together your slides.

The basics of a good presentation

We're going to explore some examples of slides that I created. We'll take them apart and show you what would and what wouldn't work for a PowerPoint video.

Notice how I created a grid on top of my slides?

This gives you a sense of scale and space when arranging elements, and will help you to keep your slide from becoming too cluttered and unfocused.

I kept these slides simple with a single image and very minimal text. You want to try and strike a balance between the audio and the visual of your PowerPoint video. The audio is what you're going to convey the story or the message through, and the visuals are there to support that.

In these slides, you can see how I kept the images very basic, just enough to help move the story of the video along. So unless it's a practical how-to video, you don't need to get into heavy visual work. How to combine mods in skyrim.

What images should you choose?

Attractive images are the heart and soul of a PowerPoint presentation

We've all seen great presentations let down by a lack of great images.

We've all sat through presentations like this, where all the clichés come out. The blank background, nothing but text, endless bullet points. If we're lucky they may include some Clip Art along the way. That's fine for someone who is just reading the information, but that kind of presentation is absolutely not designed for a video workflow.

It's important to consider what images are going to convey the message you want to share. You should use attractive images to draw the audience into the video and the story you're telling, but also images that don't distract the audience from what you want them to pay attention to — the audio.

You can even use multiple images in a single slide to create a progressive slide. Each of these smaller images is simple, but tells a different part of the story and helps keep the video in motion.

Think about the story your video is telling, but keep the images simple and don't use blocks of text, otherwise you audience will miss what's being said.

How many slides does my video need?

If you rely on one static slide staying on the screen for 30 seconds or a minute, that's a problem. If your video is static, if it's not progressing, then you're going to lose your audience. Their brain is constantly running, they're getting notifications on their laptop, on their phone, and if you're not offering any new visuals to keep their attention then you'll lose them.

In my video that these screenshots are taken from, I used 39 slides for a 45 minutes presentation. Using a lot of slides will keep the video in motion, keep the story moving, and keep the audience's attention. There's no point in having people sit and stare at a single slide for a very long time.

When making a PowerPoint video you should think of the slides as almost frames in a movie. You want to keep things moving so your audience stays engaged.

Where to find attractive images for your slides

Now you know that you need to be using a generous amount of slides for your video, you need to amass a ton of images for those slides.

Assets For Camtasia is Techsmith's asset library where you can find an incredible amount of attractive images for your video. The images are searchable by topic, so whatever your video is about, you'll be able to find the relevant pictures you need.

Another great resource is Unsplash which has a huge library of free to use images. These are not cheesy, stiff stock photos so they're perfect for finding attractive, natural images.

Once you have the right pictures, you can use PowerPoint to manipulate and edit the images to your needs. For anyone who isn't experienced in using something like Photoshop to manipulate their images, PowerPoint is a great alternative as it's easier to learn and use.

Data & technical information

PowerPoint is a really great way to present data to your audience. When creating a data slide, you want to have the data really stand-out because it's the most important thing on the slide.

Here you can see I has greyed out the background to make it less prominent and less important, and then he's made the data an attractive color to highlight its importance and draw the eye.

With data slides, there is a tendency to use the mouse cursor as a laser pointer. If you were presenting the material in a live presentation, you would definitely use a laser pointer to draw attention to the relevant parts of the data. But with a PowerPoint video you want to make the information stand out more, rather than just point at it with a small cursor.

Make Presentation Video With Powerpoint

Talk through the information, and if there's anything that needs to be pointed out it's a better idea to use an annotation tool, like an arrow or drawing a box around the data. Use something bold and illustrative from a program like Camtasia to highlight the information.

If you're presenting a large amount of technical data, like a schematic, that level of detail can be overwhelming for an audience. They cannot look at every part of it all at once. What you need to do is break it down. Emphasize and highlight parts of the technical data, instead of trying to show everything at once.

Present your audience with an overview at the beginning, show them the whole schematic or whatever it is, so that they have the full context of what they're looking at. Then focus the viewer on the most important parts step by step, slide by slide.

Your audience needs to be looking specifically at the part of the technical detail that you're talking about in the video. If you have a large map or schematic, you don't know where the audience is looking at any given time. You need to focus their view, slide by slide, to go along with your audio.

Make a connection

It's important to use camera video of your presenter in your PowerPoint. When delivering information, you need to establish and build trust with your audience so they can trust the information you're giving them.

You should assume that the people watching your PowerPoint video don't know you. It can be hard to trust a faceless voice, so it's important that they can see your expression, body language and tone.

You should be using camera video of your presenter whenever you don't have a relevant slide, but you still want to make a connection with the audience.

When including camera video of the presenter, be cautious of using the picture-in-picture effect that's very common in live chats. It's more effective to cut back and forth from a slide to the video of your presenter and then on to the next slide. This is because using picture-in-picture can split the audience's focus.

Humans are drawn to look at faces and at movement, so if there's a picture of a face in the corner of the screen moving around, your audience's focus will naturally be drawn to it. And when they're distracted by a moving face, they're not paying attention to the slide on the screen.

How To Make A Powerpoint Presentation Free

So look for the relevant opportunities to inject the camera video of your presenter so you can build trust and add personality, but be careful not to distract from the material.

How To Create Powerpoint Presentations

In Summary

  • Don't start with slides – start with the story
  • Remember that PowerPoint videos need to flow
  • Create attractive slides with great images, but keep it simple
  • Play with color and motion in your slides, but don't go crazy
  • Zero to little text
  • Limited bullet points
  • Always focus on the story

For further reading on presentation design, check out 'Resonate' by Nancy Duarte. The book focuses on live presentations, but it goes into detail about imagery and the ebb and flow of a story, which make it great for anyone who wants to make a video.

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